Monday, February 25, 2008

McCain: Talk, Shmalk, Let's Have Some Action!

John McCain is pinning his electoral hopes on people's perception that he will make a good commander in chief. He is a war veteran, of course, and for some reason that is supposed to automatically qualify him for the job. The major question is how he would prosecute the Iraq war.

This morning, McCain stated:
My friends, the war will be over soon. The war for all intents and purposes [will be over], although the insurgency will go on for years and years and years, but it'll be handled by the Iraqis not by us...

How does McCain envision the war ending? How will the US hand the problem over to the Iraqis? I would have imagined by getting the various parties to come together and work out their disagreements. Later in his town hall meeting, McCain said:
I think one of the most overrated aspects of diplomacy is talks

So... He plans on handling the war in Iraq by... not talking to the Iraqis? I'm beginning to see why he predicted that the US will be in Iraq for another hundred years.

With McCain running the show, we'll continue Bush's failed policy of shooting first and not asking questions later. If we had listened to McCain last summer, we'd be at war with Iran right now, over a non-existent nuclear program. Serving in the military doesn't automatically make someone a good leader. It's time Americans took the stars out of their eyes and looked at the man behind the uniform.


Nikki said...

I think you make a great point here....Military service does not mean Commander in cheif material and wars don't always go as planned. One of my big things with Iraq is how was this war supposed to go? If the enemy was so unformidable that it was an in and out type of conflict, then I don't see the point in an attack. Of course the opposition has proven to be much fiercer and more determined much like in Viet Nam. The war is much harder than anticipated. americans want to see an ass kicking and then they can support the President and the war at least republicans act that way. I may just have to blog about that one. To me the argument was the opposite before it began. If it was going to be easy what is the point, their is no threat.......Now that it is not easy there is obviously more threat. I hope I am making myself clear. I am probably repeating myself. But the case for the war in Iraq being handled by a veteran doesn't mean much to me either. What matters to me is that the person sitting in the Oval Office undertands the conflict and hasn't abandoned the battle like the rest of America. A very mind jogging piece. :)N

EvilPoet said...

Serving in the military doesn't automatically make someone a good leader.

Nope it sure doesn't. Chickenhawk-in-Chief, George [A]W[OL] Bush, has proved that over and over again.

Speaking of that, did they ever find that missing year? Or is it lost forever like the White House emails?

Mike H said...

Nikki, I think that the main problem in Iraq is that 99.9% of the opposition wasn't our enemy until they realized that we had no intention of simply turning the country over to them, but would be staying for a long, long time.

EvilPoet, Bush's desertion fell down the Conservative Media memory hole, possibly never to be seen again (like the anthrax killer, among others.)