Friday, January 4, 2008

If A Caucus Voter Fell In The Woods...

What if you threw a party and nobody showed up?

Wyoming, in an effort to become relevant, decided to move their Republican caucus up ahead of everyone else (thus becoming the new Iowa, perhaps.) Unfortunately, they didn't count on Iowa's determination to remain Iowa, or New Hampshire's determination to remain New Hampshire. Both of those states moved their primaries up to compensate, leaving Wyoming sandwiched in between.

So what happens when you're a nobody who tries to sneak a seat at the popular kids' table? You tend to get ignored.

According to an AP story, "Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul have passed through [Wyoming] since September. Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain have not."

It's a bad sign when only one of the viable candidates passes through your state. In fact, the candidates seem to have headed to New Hampshire after last night's results were known and speeches were made. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that Wyoming simply isn't ready for Prime Time, no matter how early their caucus is held.


EvilPoet said...

Aldous Huxley once wrote: "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." I say the same can be said for caucuses.

Mike H said...

Good point. However, the relevance (or, I should say, the perceived relevance) of the facts can be greatly affected by whether they are ignored, as in the case of Wyoming, or trumpeted ad nauseam, as with Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan, etc.

EvilPoet said...

Indeed - perception is everything.

Nikki said...

To me this political process has been going on FAR TOO LONG!! Let's pick our candidates already and be done. This get rid of Bush giddyness is tiresome......They are all like piranhas waiting to hop in the big seat. I still think a bunch of corn fed farmers raising their hands in a closed room is STUPID!!!but of course I watched. :) N